THE LAMB AND THE CHURCHES The Church at Laodicea Ephesians – The Loveless church Smyrna – The faithful church Pergamos – The Compromising church Thyatira – The Corrupt church Sardis – The Dead church Philadelphia – The small but Faithful church The church of Laodicea
Now we come to the church at Laodicea. The church at Laodicea is an
interesting church because it is laid back and luke warm, sound
familiar? There are a lot of churches in this century that fit that
description and I pray that we will never be named among them. Because a
laid back, take it easy kind of church, that is luke warm makes our
Lord sick, that’s what He says. So what makes a church laid back and luke warm?
• A big contributing factor in the Laodiceans case was the city itself.
Six miles south of Philadelphia, the city of Laodicea was the banking
center of the region. Consequently, it had ample money to spend on
entertainment, as evidenced by the 30,000 seat amphitheatre whose ruins
still stand. • In addition, Laodicea was known throughout history as
being very tricky politically because the city was built in a way that
it could not defend itself militarily which was a very unusual trait for
an ancient city. The only way Laodicea could survive was by making
compromises with her enemies and neighbors • Laodicea was a health
resort with lukewarm, mineral sulfurous water that helped to ease aches
and pains. The city became a medical center because they were also
famous for a powder or ointment used on the eyes • The city was also a clothing and fashion center, famous primarily for selling a beautiful black cloth.
• They were a center of banking and finance for all the area. Laodicea
was a rich affluent city with resorts and spas that catered to the rich.
This particular city was known for its indifference through self
satisfaction. The church in Laodicea was a thermometer instead
of becoming a thermostat. They reflected the temperature of the city
rather than causing the temperature to change. It was all about
comfort, entertainment and happiness. Jesus basically to them was a
Model or Mascot but He was not Master, so…. I. DESCRIPTION OF JESUS/LAMB How is Jesus The Lamb identified here? Why? Revelation 3:14 These things says the Amen ...
Why does Jesus refer to Himself as "the Amen?" 'Amen' meaning 'so be
it', Jesus identifies Himself to this group, so prone to compromise,
saying, "There is Certainty. It's Me." Revelation 3:14 ... the faithful and true witness ...
The Greek word translated 'witness' is 'martur' from which we get our
word 'martyr'. What is a witness? One who lives so much like Jesus
Christ and is so in love with Jesus Christ that he ends up being
treated, or crucified even as Jesus Christ was crucified. The Bible puts
it this way: Yes, all those who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer
persecution (2 Timothy 3:12)."Don't talk about suffering," the
Laodicean would say. "We just want to be positive and happy."
You'll never hear a message about suffering, persecution, martyrdom in a
Laodicean church. They don't want to think about those things. Revelation 3:14 ... the beginning of the creation of God.
This verse is often used by cultists to say Jesus is created, therefore
not co equal with the Father. Even the Jehovah Witnesses use this to
say that Jesus is actually Michael the Arch Angel because He was created
like the angels. But the Greek word translated 'beginning' is
'arche', which actually means 'the origin'. You see, God the Father
created all things through the Son (Colossians 1:16) by the power of the
Spirit (Genesis 1:2). And my favorite John 1:1-14 II. THE PRAISE: what the Lord is pleased with
What is Jesus pleased with concerning this church, absolutely nothing…
in all the other churches, even in the dead, corrupt, compromising,
loveless churches He had some praise but for each church, but for this
church, zilch, nada, nothing… which gives you an idea of what the Lord
thinks about laid back, luke warm churches… In fact in the next verse He tells them what He thinks of them. III. THE CONDEMNATION: what the Lord is upset about Revelation 3:15 16
I know your works, you are neither cold nor hot: I would that you were
cold or hot. But because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I
will spew you out of my mouth. The word spew here is an interesting
word, it literally means to vomit out. Which means two things; first
this church was temporarily in Christ but now, secondly, she is making
Him sick and He must get rid of her. Revelation 3:17 Because you
say, I am rich, and become wealthy, and have need of nothing and you do
not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor, and blind, and
naked: To this Laodicean church which wasn't talking about the
reality of sin, the need for repentance, or the Cross of Christ; which
didn't speak of witnessing, standing, and living for eternity, Jesus
said, "You think you're rich but you're impoverished. You think
you're doing well, but you're miserable." Now comes … IV THE EXHORTATION Revelation 3:18 I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire, that you may become rich ...
In Bible days, smelters would take the gold brought in from the mines
and heat it by fire until it liquefied, stirring it until the impurities
were burned out. They would know the process was complete when the
refiner could look into the pot of liquid gold and see the reflection
of his own face. Think about that spiritual application :) Because
Jesus is the Master Smelter, He uses heat as well. So, to these people
who were impure, carnal, vacillating, lukewarm, He says, "Get into the
fire. How could they buy gold from Jesus? What is He referring
to here? The gold from Jesus is only possible by giving your life. He
refers to that a little later in the letter. And buy from Me, Jesus says Revelation 3:18 ... white raiment, that you may be clothed, and that the shame of your nakedness does not appear ...
Secondly, not only get back into the race, but get back to grace.
Throughout Scripture, white raiment speaks of the robe of righteousness
(Isaiah 61, Luke 15) given to those who are in Christ. The Laodiceans
were known for a unique kind of wool taken from black sheep, yet the
Lord says to them, you need garments of white, righteous garments, the
covering of My Grace. Revelation 3:18 ... and anoint: your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.
The same Jesus Who says, "Anoint your eyes with eye salve" is the One
Who put mud in the blind man's eyes in John 9. The way of the Great
Physician is to allow irritation to produce illumination. "You're seeing
everything in a carnal way," He says, "and you need to humble yourself
before Me and deal with the mud." "Ouch," we say. "That mud hurts or is
uncomfortable." But in reality, there must be an awareness of the
problems in our hearts and the trouble in our souls before we can see.
"Search me, O God," cried David, "and see if there be any wicked way in
me," (Psalm 51). Revelation 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. It’s not too late, I am standing at your door, knocking Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him ...
While this verse has been used as a powerful illustration of the
invitation for personal salvation, Jesus is primarily speaking to this
church or any church that has shut the door on Him, because of being
laid back and luke warm. (My favorite picture of Jesus knocking on a
door shows no door knob or handle on the outside, meaning Jesus can’t
open the door to your heart and walk in, you have to open the door and
invite Him in, and when you do… and when you do… V PROMISED BLESSINGS Revelation 3:20 ... and I will eat with him and he with Me.
Of course, that's where we really find the answer to our Laodicean
condition right? at our table; which because we invite Him in,
quickly becomes His Table. Amen? The Lord's Table has such a unique way
of bringing us into the full understanding of the cross and consequently
who we are and who Jesus is… Then after the cross then comes the crown
and the throne because notice the next blessing Revelation 3:21
To him that overcomes I will grant to sit with Me in my throne, even as
I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in His throne. "Open your heart to Me," Jesus would say, "and I'll open heaven to you." Revelation 3:22 He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
May this church not be a place that is worldly popular, full of people
who have good mottoes and good intentions. May we never be laid back and
luke warm, but hot, on fire for the Lord. And May we always realize
that, although we were sinners who have failed miserably, God has
provided Jesus Christ and He will come in to our heart to rule and reign
within, if we but simply keep the door open to our hearts.
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