. . . He stops upon this threshold
As if the design of all his words takes form
And frame from his thinking and is realized.
As if the design of all his words takes form
And frame from his thinking and is realized.
Wallace Stevens
Have you considered how much of the quality of your life depends on your "designs"?
Think for a moment about the meaning of the word. Apart from its more
common use, "design" can mean "a reasoned purpose, an intention." It's
often used in a negative sense ("He has designs on his neighbor's
wife"), but it can also be used positively. Our designs are our
intentions with regard to the future, and, as I say, much that is
important to us depends on these designs. High quality lives don't come
from inferior designs.
happens outwardly in our lives is the "manifestation" of what is going
on inwardly. Just as a house is the manifestation of what was on the
blueprint from which it was made, which in turn was the manifestation of
a design in the mind of the architect, our lives are the outworkings of
our inward values and goals. If we're unhappy with what has been
manifested in our lives, we can always change our designs, and when we
do, other things will begin to be manifested.
owe it to those around us, especially our loved ones, to be more
purposeful in our designs. Those who've entrusted themselves to us in
friendship and love need to know that we've carefully considered the
alternatives and made wise choices in our designs. Haphazard living
doesn't just hurt us; it hurts others, too. So we need to be careful.
our designs will turn out to be useless if they run counter to the
principles of goodness and honor. We can't operate from selfish or
destructive intentions and expect our outward lives to be blessed by
abundant joy and satisfaction. We do not live unto ourselves alone, and
the laws of human behavior and interaction can't be ignored with
impunity. Our designs -- that is, what we plan to be and do -- must
harmonize with the good of those around us, and even with the
overarching purposes of the whole creation of which we're a part. If
they don't, our designs are doomed to be inconsequential.
Direct, control, suggest, this day,
All I design, or do, or say,
That all my powers with all their might,
In Thy sole glory may unite.
All I design, or do, or say,
That all my powers with all their might,
In Thy sole glory may unite.
Thomas Ken
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